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Terms and conditions


These are the general terms and conditions governing the relations between CDJ Social Stocks Ltd (hereinafter “Goliaths” or the “Company”) and its Clients in the provision of investment and ancillary services in financial instruments (hereinafter the “Terms”).

These Terms, as amended from time to time, together with the Investment Services Agreement (“ISA”) and the Ancillary Documents constitute the Agreement between the Client and Goliaths.

The Client confirms he has read, accepted and expressly agrees to these Terms, thus the Company’s Services are provided to the Client following acceptance of the Terms.

The Client’s acceptance to the terms of the present document is concluded electronically. The Client accepts the terms set out herein by checking the relevant tick-box provided in the user interface of the Online Platform during the onboarding stage.

Goliaths reserves the right to amend or supplement these Terms at any time. It is the responsibility of the Client to periodically review the prevailing version of these Terms which is always available on the Company’s website.

CDJ Social Stocks Ltd is a private company limited by shares incorporated in the Republic of Cyprus with registration number ΗΕ 427157, having its registered office at Kyrenias 132, 2113, Nicosia, Cyprus.  Goliaths is authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (“CySEC”) with license number 428/23 as a Cyprus Investment Firm to provide investment services/activities and ancillary services. CDJ Social Social Stocks (Goliaths), having received approval from the French authorities, is authorized to offer its services in France in accordance with current regulations.
The contact details of Goliaths are the following:

Postal Address: Stasikratous 32A, Charalambous Tower, 2nd floor, Office 201, 1065, Nicosia, Cyprus

The contact details of CySEC are the following:

Telephone: +357 22 506 600
Fax: +357 22 506 700
Postal Address: 19 Diagorou Str., CY-1097, Nicosia, Cyprus or P.O BOX 24996, 1306, Nicosia, Cyprus

If the Client is unsure about the meaning or effect of any of these Terms or any part of the Agreement, the Client should contact Goliaths and/or seek and obtain independent professional advice.
1. In these Terms, the following definitions apply :
Ancillary Documents
The following documents and/or policies which shall be read together with and constitute an integral part of the Agreement:
a) Risk Warning
b) Privacy Policy
c) Investor Compensation Fund Policy
d) Conflicts of Interest Policy
e) Complaints Handling Policy & Complaints Form
f) Client Categorisation Policy
g) Best Execution Policy
h) “Know-Your-Client” documentation provided by the Client (“KYC Documentation”)
i) Community Guidelines
j) Incentives
k) any other document that may be published in Section "Documents" of the Website from time to time.
Authorized Person
A person duly authorized by the Client to represent and act on behalf of the Client under these Terms via a duly executed and valid power of attorney.
Business Day
A day, other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in Cyprus, when banks in Cyprus are open for business.
Every legal or natural person to whom Goliaths provides Services.
The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission.
Data Protection Law
The Law 125(I)/2018 providing for the Protection of Natural Persons with regard to the Processing of Personal Data and for the Free Movement of such Data, as amended from time to time.
Distance Marketing Law
The Distance Marketing of Consumer Financial Services Law 242(I)/2004 as amended from time to time.
Financial Instrument
Any of the financial instruments specified under clause 3.2 of these Terms.
The General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679), relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and rules relating to the free movement of personal data.
The Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law 87(I)/2017, as amended from time to time.
Online Platform
The Company’s online trading system which includes the aggregate of its computer devices, software, databases, telecommunication hardware, all programs and technical facilities. Its functionality includes, among others, the provision of real-time prices and allowing the Client to place Orders, receive notices and market data from the Company, and keep a readily accessible record of the Client’s transactions. It can be accessed via the web browser of the Client’s device(s) and/or via a mobile application.
Any Client’s order to Goliaths to make a transaction in Financial Instruments.
The authorized services provided or to be provided by Goliaths to Clients as specified under clause 3.1 of these Terms. 
Goliaths Account (Client’s Account) 
Any account opened in the books of Goliaths and recorded in the name of the Client. The contents of such account are accessed by the Client under the section “Wallet” of the Online Platform. 
The webpage of Goliaths is 
2. In these Terms, the following rules of interpretation apply:

a) Clause, schedule and paragraph headings shall not affect the interpretation of these Terms and are for ease of reference only.
b) Any reference in these Terms to any act and/or regulation and/or law shall be that act or regulation or law as amended, modified, supplemented, consolidated or re-enacted from time to time. 
c) Unless the context requires otherwise, words in the singular include the plural and, in the plural, shall include the singular; and a reference to one gender shall include a reference to the other genders.
1. The investment services and activities as well as the ancillary services which Goliaths is authorised to provide are the following:

Investment services and activities:
a) Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments;

Ancillary services:
a) Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments, including custodianship and related services;

The Financial Instruments for which the Services can be provided are the following:
a) Transferable securities;
b) Units in collective investment undertakings;
c) Options, futures, swaps, forward rate agreements and any other derivative contracts relating to securities, currencies, interest rates or yields, emission allowances or other derivatives instruments, financial indices or financial measures which may be settled physically or in cash.
1. Services to the Clients shall be provided by Goliaths in accordance with this Agreement subject to successful completion by Goliaths of the “Know Your Client” (“KYC”) procedure in relation to the Client.

2. Goliaths may be unable under the applicable regulations to accept a person as its Client until all required KYC Documentation requested via the Online Platform has been received by Goliaths, properly and fully completed by such person and all internal company checks, including without limitation anti-money laundering checks, appropriateness or suitability tests as the case may be, have been satisfied. A Client for whom KYC Documentation was received is considered to be an "unverified" Client until all internal company checks are completed. Unverified Clients are allowed to browse through the features of the Online Platform but are not allowed to access any of the Services.

3. Goliaths may request additional documentation or impose additional due diligence requirements to accept Clients residing in certain countries, or of higher risk profile. This applies both at the onboarding stage as well as during the operation of the Client’s Goliaths Account. Non-cooperation by the Client during the latter stage gives Goliaths the right to freeze, suspend and/or close the Client’s Goliaths Account in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 “Termination” of the ISA.

4. In case the Client intends to appoint a third party as its Authorized Person, the details of such Authorized Person(s) must be communicated to Goliaths and such Authorized Person(s) shall be subject to internal company checks, including without limitation anti-money laundering checks.

5. The Client shall be fully responsible for the completeness and adequacy of information and documents provided.
1. Goliaths reserves the right to refuse or decline the provision of the Services at Goliaths’ sole discretion and for any reason, at any time, without being obliged to provide the Client with any explanation or justification thereof.

2. The Client acknowledges that the laws regarding financial services vary across the world, and that it is his obligation to ensure that he fully complies with any law, regulation or directive, relevant to his country of residency, with regard to the Services.

3. Goliaths does not operate in any jurisdiction in which the provision of the Services is not authorized, and/or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make an offer and/or solicitation.

4. Goliaths shall not provide any services and shall not be liable to pay any sums or provide any benefit to the extent that the provision of such services, payment of such sums or provision of such benefit would breach or expose Goliaths to any enforcement or other adverse action under sanctions, prohibitions or restrictions under United Nations resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union, United States of America and other countries.
1. Goliaths is required to take sufficient steps to achieve the best possible result and to act in the best interest of the Clients when providing the Services. The Best Execution Policy sets out the procedures that Goliaths follows as well as the relevant market factors that it considers as part of its best execution obligation.

2. Where Goliaths reasonably believes that it is in the overall best interest of all its Clients, it may combine an order of a Client with Goliaths’ orders or those of other clients, or Goliaths may split the Client’s orders. Best interests are not solely determined by price and cost, thus Goliaths also considers other factors, such as the speed of the execution, the likelihood of the execution, the size and nature or the order, to be important.

3. The Best Execution Policy, which may be amended from time to time, forms part of the Agreement and is available on the Website. Goliaths monitors the effectiveness of this Policy on a regular basis to ensure that it consistently achieves the best results for the Client.

4. The Client hereby declares that he has read and understood all information included in the Best Execution Policy.
1. Goliaths is required to take sufficient steps to identify, monitor and manage all actual and potential conflicts of interest that can arise between the Company and its Clients. The Conflicts of Interest Policy sets out the specified procedures to be followed and measures to be adopted in order to manage conflicts as well as the circumstances which constitute or may give rise to a conflict of interest entailing a material risk of damage to the interests of one or more Clients.

2. In particular, Goliaths shall identify the existence of any conflicts of interest and examine whether Goliaths or any employee directly or indirectly is in any of the following situations: 
a) Goliaths or that person is likely to make a financial gain or avoid a financial loss at the expense of the Client; 
b) Goliaths or that person has an interest in the outcome of the service provided to the Client or of a transaction carried out on behalf of the Client which is distinct from the Client’s interest in that outcome;
c) Goliaths or that person has a financial or other incentive to favour the interest of another Client or group of Clients over the interests of the Client; 
d) Goliaths or that person carries on the same business as the Client;
e) Goliaths or that person receives or will receive from a person other than the Client an inducement in relation to a service provided to the Client in the form of monies, goods or services other than the standard commission or fee for that service, or any non-monetary benefits.  

3. The Conflicts of Interest Policy, which may be amended from time to time, forms part of the Agreement and is available on the Website. Goliaths monitors the effectiveness of this Policy on a regular basis to ensure that it takes all reasonable steps to identify situations of conflict of interest between Goliaths and its Clients or between the Clients.

4. The Client hereby declares that he has read and understood all information included in the Conflicts of Interest Policy.
1. The Client understands that every type of financial instrument has its own characteristics and entails different risks depending on the nature of each investment and that the price or value of an investment will be affected by fluctuations in the financial markets which are outside Goliaths’ control.
2. The Client should not carry out any transaction in any financial instruments unless he is fully aware of their nature, the risks involved and the extent of his exposure in these risks. 

3. The Client should also be aware that: 
a) The value of any investment in financial instruments may fluctuate downwards or upwards and the investment may even become worthless. 
b) Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. 
c)Trading in financial instruments may impose tax and/or any other duty. 
d) Placing contingent orders, such as “stop-loss” orders, will not necessarily limit losses to the intended amounts, as it may be impossible to execute such orders under certain market conditions. 
e) Changes in the exchange rates, may negatively affect the value, price and/or performance of the financial instruments traded in a currency other than the Client’s base currency. 

4. More information on the risks associated with using each of the Services is set out in the Risk Warning on the Website. 

5. The Client hereby declares that he has read and understood all information included in the Risk Warning.
1. Goliaths treats any complaint very seriously and aims to resolve a complaint fairly and promptly and has an independent complaints officer who will investigate and deal with the Client’s complaint in accordance with its procedures. The Complaints Management Policy of Goliaths can be found on the Website. The Client hereby declares that he has read and understood all information included in the Complaints Management Policy.
2. The Client may lodge a complaint to Goliaths via the Website.

3. The Client also has the right to address complaints to the Financial Ombudsman of the Republic of Cyprus in any of the following ways:
- Telephone: +357 22 848 900
- Postal Address: Financial Ombudsman of the Republic of Cyprus, PO Box 25735, 1311 Nicosia, Cyprus
- E-Mail: Website: 

4. For information on complaints, the Client may visit the CySEC dedicated webpage at:
1. Goliaths is a member of and covered by the Investor Compensation Fund (“ICF”) in Cyprus. In case Goliaths is unable to pay over the Client’s assets due to its financial circumstances and there is no realistic prospect of these circumstance improving in the near future, subject to certain conditions the ICF can compensate the Client up to EUR 20,000.

2. A summary of the provisions of the legal framework relating to ICF and the compensation payable to the Clients under ICF is available on the Website under the Investor Compensation Fund Policy. Further, additional information for ICF can be found on CySEC’s website:‌en-GB/investor-protection/tae/
1. The Client expressly consents to using the Website for updates about Goliaths and/or changes to Goliaths’ operations and/or any part of this Agreement), irrespective of such updates not being personally addressed to the Client.

2.Goliaths may also communicate with the Client via the Website, via the Online Platform, by email, telephone, fax, post, newsletter, letter, electronic chats, video calls and/or any other means of communication and such communication delivered via the use of electronic means shall be deemed to be “in writing”. Goliaths will use the contact details the Client provided in the KYC Documentation, and as updated by the Client to Goliaths. 

3. Any communications sent to the Client are deemed received for the following mediums of communication: (a) if sent via the Website within one hour after it has been posted, (b) if provided via the Online Platform, within one hour after it has been uploaded/posted; (c) if sent by email, within one hour after emailing it; (d) if sent by or communicated over the telephone, once the telephone conversation has been finished; (e) if sent by post, seven (7) calendar days after posting it.

4. The Client agrees that Goliaths shall record telephone, e-mail and chat conversations with the Client or such Client’s employees, officers and agents, as well as any other forms of communication, activities and transactions between Goliaths and the Client. Such recordings shall be the sole property of Goliaths and may be used as evidence in any proceedings relating to the Agreement or any Order or any transaction.
5. In case the Client changes his contact details, including his email address, contact numbers, name, home address, identification documents (such as ID and passport), country of residence or nationality, he is obliged to inform Goliaths about these changes as soon as possible. Goliaths does not accept any responsibility for any non-communication if the Client does not update his contact details as soon as any change takes place.

The Company shall provide the Client with statements of his Goliaths Account in the frequency prescribed by law. Such statements shall contain details of the assets the Company holds on behalf of the Client, and, for non-retail clients, the extent to which the assets have been the subject of securities financing transactions. Information in relation to the status of execution of a particular Order and reviews of the current and historic state of the Client’s Orders are available via the Online Platform. The Client hereby acknowledges and understands that access to such information via the Online Platform amounts to provision of information statements via a durable medium. Such information can be downloaded in a document format on the device via which the Client accesses the Online Platform or can be sent in a document format to the Client’s e-mail address.

Information on Distance Marketing

6. Pursuant to the provisions of the Distance Marketing Law, as defined in these Terms, to the extent that it applies to the Client as a consumer, the Client acknowledges that:

a) by completing and submitting the Agreement and any other document or form accompanying and/or constituting an integral part thereof, the Client fully agrees to enter and be bound by the terms set out in the Agreement;

b) the Client may withdraw his consent to the exchange of communication by electronic means at any time by providing the Company prior notice, however in such a case his access to the Services provided may be restricted and/or terminated at the sole discretion of the Company without the requirement for any explanation and/or justification;

c) the nature of the Services provided pursuant to the Agreement and any other document or form accompanying and/or constituting an integral part thereof, renders the Agreement exempt from the right of withdrawal in accordance with clause 11 of the Distance Marketing Law. As such, there is no right of withdrawal from the Agreement, save for the Client’s right to terminate the Agreement in accordance with the procedure set out in the ISA.


1. According to applicable laws and regulations, Goliaths will treat the Client as a Retail Client, Professional Client or Eligible Counterparty, depending on the KYC Documentation provided by the Client via the Online Platform and according to the method of classification as explained in the Client Categorisation Policy. 

2. The classification of the Client will be contained in the ISA. The Client may request to be re-categorised as a different type of client, and the Client’s request will be assessed on its merits. Such request may be rejected at Goliaths’ sole discretion. The Client may contact Goliaths in case he requires further clarifications on his classification. 

3. The protections afforded to different types of clients are set out in the Client Categorisation Policy. 

4. The Client Categorisation Policy, which may be amended from time to time, forms part of the Agreement and is available on the Website. The Client hereby declares that he has read and understood all information included in the Client Categorisation Policy.
1. Upon successful onboarding of the Client, Goliaths shall send an email to the Client’s email address and a confirmation message via the Online Platform, notifying him of the opening of his Goliaths Account and will provide all relevant details in relation to the Client’s Goliaths Account via the Online Platform.

2. Goliaths may offer different account types with different characteristics, fee structure and requirements. The Client can find further information on different account types and respective fee schedules on the Website and/or via the Online Platform. 

Payment methods

3. The funds shall be transferred into the Client’s Goliaths Account by wire transfer or via other electronic transfer methods available on the Online Platform, from an account belonging to or held in the name of the Client  (the “payment methods”). Goliaths may allow the Client to use more than one payment method but is not under such obligation. Goliaths may accept different payment methods in different countries.

4. Goliaths shall only accept payment by accounts belonging to and/or in the name of the Client. In order to verify the details and the ownership of the payment method, Goliaths may require the Client to provide additional documentation. Unless Goliaths verifies and approves the Client’s payment method, the Client will not be able to deposit money into his Goliaths Account and receive Goliaths’ services. 

Inactive and Dormant Goliaths Accounts

5. A Client’s Goliaths Account shall be rendered inactive if the Client has not engaged in trades or trading operations for 6 months. 

6. If the Client’s Goliaths Account is inactive for 18 months or more, the Company reserves the right to close such an account and render it dormant, subject to sending a relevant prior notification to the Client’s last correspondence details. The balance of the dormant account shall remain owing to the Client and Goliaths shall make and retain records and return such funds upon the Client’s request at any time thereafter.
Paying money in the Goliaths Account (referred to as “deposits”

1. The Client can pay money into his Goliaths Account by using one of the payment methods mentioned in clause 13.3. Goliaths does not accept cash or cheques. 

2. In exceptional cases, which are specified in the Fee Schedule, Goliaths may charge the Client with a transfer fee. Any external charges related to the execution of incoming and outgoing Client’s transfers are carried by the Client.

3. The amount of money permitted to be paid in a Goliaths Account may be subject to limitations which will be communicated to the Client in advance in case such limitations will be imposed.

4. Goliaths may transfer back any money originating from a payment method that is not in the Client’s name. In case any fees are charged to Goliaths in relation to such transfer, an equal amount shall be deducted from the money which will be transferred back. 

Taking money out the Goliaths Account (referred to as "withdrawals") 

5. Subject to the provisions of these Terms, the Client can take money out of his Goliaths Account by making such request via the Online Platform. 

6. The Client can withdraw money from his Goliaths Account by transferring it back to the payment method it originated from, provided that there are no legal or regulatory restrictions preventing such transfer. Goliaths may, but not under an obligation to, allow the Client to withdraw money by transferring the money to a payment method other than the one it originated from, provided that Goliaths verifies that such payment method is in the name of the Client and that it belongs to the Client and approves such payment method in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. 

7. Goliaths may refuse the Client’s withdrawal request in case such withdrawal would leave his Goliaths Account with insufficient funds to settle any outstanding transactions and/or fees or charges. 

8. The amount of money permitted to be withdrawn from a Goliaths Account may be subject to a maximum limit, intended to protect the Client’s funds against fraud, and such limit will be communicated to the Client on the Website. 

9. Goliaths may charge the Client a withdrawal fee each time the Client makes a withdrawal. In case the Company imposes such a withdrawal fee, these will be published on the Website. 

10. Goliaths will make its best efforts to process a valid and duly submitted withdrawal request via the Online Platform  on the same or on the following Business Day from the date of receipt. The Company’s processing may be delayed or declined if required under applicable law or if there are anti-money laundering concerns. Goliaths may, or may not be able to, disclose to the Client the reasons for such delay or rejection. Goliaths shall not be responsible for any delays caused by the Client’s payment processor to update the balance in his account.
Currency conversions

11. Any money paid into the Client’s Goliaths Account must be made in EUR or another currency approved by Goliaths. 

12. The Client has read and understood the relevant provisions in the Risk Warning which is available on the Website or via the Online Platform in relation to the foreign currency exchange risk arising from any conversion of currency and undertakes to bear such risk.

13. In case the Client wishes to convert part or the whole of the amount held in his Goliaths Account, the Client shall submit a conversion order based on available market price via Online Platform.
Paying money in the Goliaths Account (referred to as “deposits”

1. The Client can pay money into his Goliaths Account by using one of the payment methods mentioned in clause 13.3. Goliaths does not accept cash or cheques. 

2. In exceptional cases, which are specified in the Fee Schedule, Goliaths may charge the Client with a transfer fee. Any external charges related to the execution of incoming and outgoing Client’s transfers are carried by the Client.

3. The amount of money permitted to be paid in a Goliaths Account may be subject to limitations which will be communicated to the Client in advance in case such limitations will be imposed.

4. Goliaths may transfer back any money originating from a payment method that is not in the Client’s name. In case any fees are charged to Goliaths in relation to such transfer, an equal amount shall be deducted from the money which will be transferred back. 

Taking money out the Goliaths Account (referred to as "withdrawals") 

5. Subject to the provisions of these Terms, the Client can take money out of his Goliaths Account by making such request via the Online Platform. 

6. The Client can withdraw money from his Goliaths Account by transferring it back to the payment method it originated from, provided that there are no legal or regulatory restrictions preventing such transfer. Goliaths may, but not under an obligation to, allow the Client to withdraw money by transferring the money to a payment method other than the one it originated from, provided that Goliaths verifies that such payment method is in the name of the Client and that it belongs to the Client and approves such payment method in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. 

7. Goliaths may refuse the Client’s withdrawal request in case such withdrawal would leave his Goliaths Account with insufficient funds to settle any outstanding transactions and/or fees or charges. 

8. The amount of money permitted to be withdrawn from a Goliaths Account may be subject to a maximum limit, intended to protect the Client’s funds against fraud, and such limit will be communicated to the Client on the Website. 

9. Goliaths may charge the Client a withdrawal fee each time the Client makes a withdrawal. In case the Company imposes such a withdrawal fee, these will be published on the Website. 

10. Goliaths will make its best efforts to process a valid and duly submitted withdrawal request via the Online Platform  on the same or on the following Business Day from the date of receipt. The Company’s processing may be delayed or declined if required under applicable law or if there are anti-money laundering concerns. Goliaths may, or may not be able to, disclose to the Client the reasons for such delay or rejection. Goliaths shall not be responsible for any delays caused by the Client’s payment processor to update the balance in his account.
Currency conversions

11. Any money paid into the Client’s Goliaths Account must be made in EUR or another currency approved by Goliaths. 

12. The Client has read and understood the relevant provisions in the Risk Warning which is available on the Website or via the Online Platform in relation to the foreign currency exchange risk arising from any conversion of currency and undertakes to bear such risk.

13. In case the Client wishes to convert part or the whole of the amount held in his Goliaths Account, the Client shall submit a conversion order based on available market price via Online Platform.
Entering into transactions – Placing an Order 

1. The Client shall place an Order with Goliaths via the Online Platform. The Client shall be responsible for any Orders submitted and for the accuracy of information.

2. In case the Client is eligible and obliged to obtain a Legal Entity Identifier (“LEI Code”), the Client shall communicate to Goliaths its LEI Code. The Client acknowledges that Goliaths will not be able to execute or transmit for execution on behalf of a Client who is eligible for LEI Code but does not have one.  

3. The Client acknowledges that the indicative price to buy or the indicative price to sell a Financial Instrument will be shown on the Online Platform as rounded to 2 decimal places. The Client further acknowledges that at the point of purchase or sale of a Financial Instrument, the transaction amount shall be rounded to 2 decimal places. 

4. Goliaths shall reasonably endeavour to transmit the Client’s Order in a timely manner following its reception, in accordance with the Client’s best interests and the Company’s Best Execution Policy. Goliaths may, at its sole discretion, delay the transmission or execution of the order if it deems that this may be in the Client’s interest or can be reasonably justified.  

5. Following the placement of an Order, Goliaths may send a confirmation of receipt of the Order but such confirmation shall not amount to approval. The Client understands that Goliaths will act upon the instructions of a duly submitted Order without having an obligation to obtain further confirmations from the Client. Goliaths shall not accept any responsibility for accepting or executing a duly submitted Order that the Client later claims to be erroneous or to have been placed by accident. 

6. For the Order to take effect, Goliaths has to approve the Order. The Client agrees that Goliaths retains the right to reject an Order and/or interpret it at its sole discretion in accordance with applicable law and/or standard market practice. 

7. An Order can be placed with Goliaths within the Company’s working hours and will be transmitted for execution within the working hours of each relevant market (i.e. market hours). The Client hereby acknowledges and understands the market hours within which different Financial Instruments can be traded may vary. Such market hours are available on the Website and it is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that they are aware of the market hours for the Financial Instrument(s) they intend to place an Order.

8. Goliaths cannot guarantee that the execution price will match the Client’s Order price. Price fluctuations may occur due to market volatility between the time a Client Order is received and the time the Order is executed. Goliaths undertakes that the Order will be executed at the first or next best available price in accordance with the Best Execution Policy which is available on the Website. The Company shall not be liable for any losses connected to price discrepancies between Order price and execution price.  

9. If the Client places an Order during off-market hours (or at times where the operations of a relevant market are suspended due to any even) the order will be transmitted and executed as soon as is reasonable under the circumstances when relevant market re-opens, at the first or next best available price in accordance with the Best Execution Policy which is available on the Website. The Client hereby acknowledges, understands and undertakes to assume any specific risks related to Orders placed outside ordinary market hours which may entail, among others, lower liquidity levels, higher volatility and price changes due to news announcements. The Company shall not be liable for any losses connected to such Orders. The Client has the right to cancel any Order placed during off-market hours at any time before the market for the specific Financial Instrument for which the Order is placed reopens.  

10. The Client shall be exclusively responsible for his appointed Authorised Persons for the purpose of transmission of orders and shall be precluded from raising a claim against Goliaths for any fault in the transmission of the order in relation to the person transmitting the Order. The Client shall be bound against Goliaths for every Order transmitted in his name via an Authorised Person and the Client’s only claims shall be confined exclusively to claims against the person transmitting the Orders. The Client must inform Goliaths in writing, in case the authorization of the aforementioned person has been terminated and Goliaths shall acknowledge the reception of the said notice as soon as possible. Each transaction which shall have been carried out prior to the sending of the notification acknowledgement of Goliaths with regards to the revocation of the said authorization by the Client, shall be deemed valid, as well as its subsequent settlement and clearing and the Client shall not be able to claim any indemnification of any nature from Goliaths on account of the execution of the said order.

11. The Client acknowledges and accepts to bear all risks related to the receipt and transmission of the Order, including but not limited to the risk of mistakes or misinterpretations regarding the sent Orders due to any technical or mechanical failures in the electronic or telephone or fax or other systems, the risk of delay or other problems as well as the risk that the orders may be placed by a person not authorised by the Client. The Client accepts that, except in cases of fraud or wilful deceit by Goliaths, the Company shall bear no responsibility at the reception and transmission or execution of an Order, with regard to the Order’s content, the identity of the person placing the Order or whether such person is duly authorised by the Client to dispose funds or Financial Instruments on his behalf, nor for any delay in the reception and transmission or execution of the order. 

12. In case a third party service provider is used for execution, Goliaths will undertake the necessary reviews to ensure that such third party service provider has acted in accordance with the Company’s Best Execution Policy.

13. Order execution statuses will be available within the Online Platform. The Client will be able to generate a statement with information of all executed Orders for any required period via Online Platform. 

14. Goliaths may agree with third party service providers to execute Orders and the Client hereby accepts to be bound by the terms and conditions of such an agreement and agrees further that Goliaths shall not be responsible for any act or omission of any of such third party service providers, for any negligence or wilful default on the part of Goliaths in the selection and appointment of such third party service providers. In particular, but without limitation, the Client hereby accepts to bear the risk of the bankruptcy or insolvency of any such third party service provider.

15. In case a third party service provider is used for execution, Goliaths will undertake the necessary reviews to ensure that such third party service provider has acted in accordance with the Company’s Best Execution Policy and will deliver the Client an order execution confirmation. 

16. Goliaths may combine the Order(s) of the Client with any other Company orders and orders of other Clients when it is unlikely that the aggregation of orders and transactions will work overall to the disadvantage of the Client whose order is to be aggregated. The Client hereby agrees that the effect of aggregation may work to his disadvantage in relation to a particular order. 

17. By signing the Agreement, the Client declares that he has read, understood and consents to the content of the Best Execution Policy of the Company which is available on the Website and agrees that his Order may be transmitted for execution outside a Regulated Market or Multilateral Trading Facility ("MTF") or an Organized Trading Facility (“OTF”) when such an action is required.

18. Goliaths provides the Client with the option to request a transaction for multiple Financial Instruments in a single Order. Such Orders are referred to as “Playlists” on the Online Platform. This feature allows the Client to specify (1) the total monetary amount they want to invest, (2) the Financial Instruments that will be purchased with such total monetary amount, and (3) the percentage of the total amount that will be utilised for the acquisition of each Financial Instrument selected. The Client has no limit to the number of Playlists they can create. Each Playlist, containing the selection on each of points (1)-(3) in this clause above, will be marked with a different name on the Client’s Goliaths Account. A Playlist is considered to be a single Order. The fees applicable to a single Playlist are the same as the fees applicable to any single Order. Any reference to an “Order” in the provisions of these Terms and Conditions and this Agreement in general, apply equally to a Playlist. 

Entering into transactions – Modifications, Cancellations and Rejections 

19. The Client may request to modify or cancel an Order which has not been executed via the Online Platform. However, Goliaths cannot guarantee that it will be able to carry out the Client’s request. 

20. In case Goliaths has received the Client’s Order, it may still not proceed with execution / transmission / completion / cancellation / modification of the Order in the following non-exhaustive list of instances: 

a) if Goliaths reasonably believes the Client’s Goliaths Account is compromised, or if there are reasonable concerns that the Client’s Goliaths Account is used by an unauthorised person or as a result of fraud; 

b) if the Client has insufficient balance in his Goliaths Account to cover any losses, fees, costs, charges associated with the Order;

c) if Goliaths reasonably believes that there is an irregular behaviour in light of past activities of the Client (for example, if the Client has placed an order with an amount that is unusually large or has requested an excessive number of units compared to his previous transactions);  

d) if there has been a change in applicable laws, rendering the Order no longer compliant with applicable laws; 

e) if an issuer of a financial instrument which is the subject of an Order, has undergone corporate reorganization (i.e. takeover, merger, de-listing) or insolvency; 

f) if a trading venue requests or recommends that the Order is cancelled; if Goliaths deems that the Order may be linked to market manipulation, or that or may constitute insider trading;

g) if Goliaths deems that the Order is linked to an illegal act of legalizing the proceeds of illegal activities (money laundering), or the financing of terrorism;an "Event of Default" occurs as defined in clause 19; 

h) an "Force Majeure", as defined in clause 20 occurs; and/orwhere Goliaths is in the process of resolving a reconciliation matter/discrepancy. 

21. Goliaths may, at its sole discretion, place limits on the minimum and/or maximum order sizes that the Company accepts, as well as the number/volume of orders that the Company will accept from the Client.

22. In case Goliaths does not accept, execute, transmit for execution, complete, cancel or modify an Order, it will inform the Client accordingly provided that the Company is not restricted to do so under applicable laws. In such cases, Goliaths will transfer back to the Client’s Goliaths Account any fees charged. 

23. The Client accepts that Goliaths shall not bear any responsibility for any losses incurred by the Client as a consequence of any acts or omissions of the Company in relation to this sub-section entitled “Entering into transactions – Modifications, Cancellations and Rejections”.
1. Before signing the Agreement, the Client will be provided with the details of all fees, costs and charges which he is expected to incur in relation to the provision of Services. 

2. The Client hereby agrees to pay all fees, costs and charges as communicated to him on the Agreement and/or on the Website. 

3. The Company may vary or update its fees, costs and charges from time to time. The Client hereby accepts that it is his responsibility to monitor any changes, and to be aware of the fees, costs and charges, that apply to the Services he will be provided with. The Client will be informed of any changes to the fees, costs and charges before they come into effect. The Company shall provide the Client with at least 5 (five) Business Days’ notice of such variation, unless where such variation is based on a change in applicable laws or the applicable tax regime or it is otherwise impractical for the Company to do so.

4. Goliaths will charge the Client a fee for each Order the Company transmits for execution for him. Goliaths will charge Clients in accordance with the Fee Schedule that is available on the Website and via the Online Platform. The estimate shall not be binding on Goliaths as the fee may change (for example, due to market conditions) between the time the Client makes an Order, and the time Goliaths executes the Order or transmits the Order for execution. 

5. Goliaths may charge the Client with a fee when he deposits in or withdraws money from his Goliaths Account in the following instances: 

a) if the Client makes a deposit and his payment method charges Goliaths a fee, for example a payment transfer or a payment processing fee, Goliaths may charge the Client a transfer fee; 

b) if Goliaths transfers any money back which comes in from a payment method that is not in the Client’s name and Goliaths is charged a fee for the transfer, an amount equal to that fee will be deducted from the money which is transferred back; 

c) if the Client withdraws money from his Goliaths Account, Goliaths may charge a fee; and 

d) if there is a currency conversion request or Goliaths needs to convert the Client’s money into USD or any other applicable currency, Goliaths will charge a fee. 

6. For specific Services, other fees may also apply. The Client must read the Schedule in the ISA which applies to the Service he will be provided with as well as the relevant section on the Website. 

7. The Client acknowledges that all amounts due to Goliaths shall be deducted from his Goliaths Account balance without any additional consent of the Client and hereby authorizes the Company for any such action.

8. Goliaths also reserves the right to pass on any custody or third party charges which, if applicable, will be notified to the Client in advance. The Client acknowledges that additional charges may be payable when dealing with overseas financial instruments.


1. Goliaths and its employees, agents, delegates or associates shall not be held liable for, any loss or damage or expense incurred by the Client or any Authorized Person(s) in relation to, or, directly or indirectly, arising from but not limited to: 

a) the acts, omissions or negligence or insolvency of any third party service provider of the Company; 

b) action or inaction the Company takes in accordance with its rights under the Agreement, including under clause 15.16 to 15.20 ("Entering into transactions – Modifications, Cancellations and Rejections", clause 19 ("Event of Default")

c) any delay, failure or inability by the Company to perform any of its obligations under the Agreement as a result of as events due to circumstances beyond the Company’s control including any Force Majeure Event as defined in clause 20;

d) action taken by any government or regulatory or supra national body or a legal authority;

e) any technical delays, technological malfunction, loss of data and records, destruction of hardware or any hardware, software or connection bugs, or any planned or essential maintenance to the Company’s systems; 

f) damage, costs, loss, liability, claims for compensation, or expense incurred or suffered by the Client, directly or indirectly under or in connection with this Agreement; 

g) any action taken by the Company as a result of a breach of the Agreement by the Client;

h) any action taken by the Company us as a result of applicable laws and regulations, or a change in such;

i) any acts, omissions or negligence of the Authorised Person(s); 

j) materialisation of any of the risks and warnings set out on the Company’s Risk Warning document;  

k) any changes in the rates of tax;

l) actions, transactions, instructions, Orders of the Client under the Agreement. 

2. Goliaths shall in no circumstances be liable to the Client for any consequential, special or indirect losses, loss of profits, loss of opportunity (including in relation to subsequent market movements), costs, expenses or damages the Client may suffer in relation to the Agreement.
1. Each of the following will constitutes an "Event of Default": 

a) the failure of the Client to pay within thirty days, any fees, charges and or liabilities on his Goliaths Account and/or other amount due under the Agreement where the Company requested such payments; 

b) if the Client commits a material breach of any term of the Agreement;

c) the Client applies to court for, or obtains, an insolvency / receivership / administration order (if the Client is a legal entity);

d) a petition is filed, a notice is given, a resolution is passed, or an order is made, for or in connection with the bankruptcy of the Client (if the Client is a natural person);

e) the Client dies or is declared absent or becomes of unsound mind (if the Client is a natural person);

f) any representation or warranty made by the Client in the Agreement is or becomes untrue;

g) the Company considers it reasonably necessary to prevent what the Company reasonably considers to be or might be a violation of any applicable law (including but not limited to, fraud, market abuse);

h) if the Company suspects that the Client is engaged in money laundering activities and/or terrorist financing. 

2. If an Event of Default occurs, unless otherwise prescribed by applicable laws, the Company may, in its absolute discretion, at any time and without prior notice, take one or more of the following actions:

a) temporarily suspend or close the Client’s Goliaths Account;

b) combine all Goliaths Accounts of the Client, consolidate the balances and set-off those balance with liabilities of the Client towards the Company;

c) exercise the lien or charge on the Client’s money in his Goliaths Account or on the financial instruments the Company holds on his behalf; 

d) convert any currency;

e) refuse to open new Goliaths Account(s) for the Client;

f) close out any open positions of the Client at prevailing market prices;

g) and/orterminate the Agreement without notice in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 “Termination” of the ISA.
1. Neither the Client, nor the Company shall be held liable for consequences of any delay, failure or inability to fulfill obligations contained herein if such delay, failure or inability results from events beyond its reasonable control (a “Force Majeure Event”). 

2. A Force Majeure Event shall include, without limitation, each of the following: 

a) acts of God, flood, earthquake, tornado, hurricane, drought or other natural disaster;

b) any epidemic, pandemic or public health emergency of national or international concern;

c) collapse of buildings, fire, explosion or accident; 

d) terrorist attack, civil war, civil commotion or riots, war, threat of or preparation for war, armed conflict, imposition of sanctions, embargo, or breaking off of diplomatic relations;

e) nuclear, chemical or biological contamination or sonic boom;

f) any act or regulation made by a government, supra national body or authority that in the Company’s reasonable opinion hinders it from maintaining an orderly market in relation the Financial Instruments;

g) a financial services moratorium having declared by a government, supra national body or authority;

h) the suspension or closure or nationalisation of any exchange or market;

i) imposition of limits or unusual terms by a government on any Financial Instrument and/or its derivative;

j) significant disruptions to markets and/or excessive changes to the price, supply or demand of any Financial Instrument;

k) any labour or trade dispute, strikes, industrial action or lockouts which affect the operations of the Company;

l) breakdown, failure or malfunction of any electronic, network and communication lines, including power, electronic or equipment failures and hacker attacks; 

m) the failure of any supplier, third party service provider, financial institution, liquidity provider, intermediate broker, agent, custodian, sub-custodian, dealer, exchange, clearing house or regulatory organisation to perform its obligations to the Company; and

n) liquidity providers not providing or being unable to provide liquidity to the Company.

3. If Goliaths determines in its reasonable opinion that a Force Majeure Event has occurred or is occurring, will, in due course, take reasonable steps to inform the Client but may without prior notice and at any time take any, or a combination or all of the following steps:

a) refuse to accept Orders from the Client; 

b) cancel Orders which are affected by the Force Majeure Event;

c) close out any or all open transactions at such prices Goliaths reasonably thinks is proportionate;

d) suspend or modify the application of any or all terms of the Agreement if the Force Majeure Event makes it impossible or impractical for the Company to comply with them;

e) reject any deposit or withdrawal requests;

f) change its costs and fees; 

g) take or omit to take all such other actions as the Company deems to be reasonably appropriate in the circumstances with regard to the position of the Company, the Client and other Clients.


1. The Agreement and all information, statements, notifications between Goliaths and the Client shall be written and interpreted in English. In the event that the Agreement has been translated into a language other than English, it is the English version that will be prevailing in the event of any discrepancy.

2. The Client acknowledges that unless otherwise stated, the Client should always read, periodically visit and refer to the Website for all information and disclosures about the Company and its activities. 

3. The Company reserves the right to register and operate other relevant domains (websites) for marketing and promotional purposes to specific countries which contain information and disclosures to Clients in any language other the English language.
22. Taxation
1. The Company shall not act as a tax agent for the Client. The Client is solely responsible to calculate and independently pay all applicable taxes and duties imposed on the amount of profit or income received by the Client, and for completing and submitting filings, tax returns and reports arising out of or in connection with any transaction or any other activity with the Company. 

2. Details of any taxes which the Company is required to pay on the Client’s behalf will be communicated to the Client. 

3. The Client undertakes to pay all stamp expenses relating to the Agreement and any documentation which may be required for the execution of the transactions.
1. The Client agrees that Goliaths may collect documentation and information (including personal data as defined in the GDPR) directly from the Client, whether in the KYC Documentation or elsewhere, such as proof of identification, residential address, bank statements, payment method details, source and proof of funds, or from other persons including but not limited to credit reference agencies, fraud prevention agencies and third party authentication service providers and any other providers of public registers. 

2. Goliaths shall use, store, process and handle the Client’s personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Law and GDPR and all applicable regulations, as outlined in the Company’s Privacy Policy which may be amended from time to time, forms part of the Agreement and is available on the Website. By entering into the Agreement, the Client agrees and hereby declares that he has read and understood all information included in the Privacy Policy.  

3. The Client hereby undertakes and give his informed consent that any personal data he has supplied to Goliaths, either his personal data (including, without limitation, information related to his transactions and Goliaths Account) or personal data of other data subjects, may be processed, transferred, disclosed and retained by Goliaths in accordance with the Data Protection Law and GDPR.

4. Any information provided by the Client shall be treated by the Company as confidential and will not be used or disclosed for any purpose other than in connection with the provision of the Services and for marketing purposes, provided that any information already in the public domain, or already possessed by the Company without a duty of confidentiality will not be regarded as confidential.  

5. The Client hereby acknowledges and consents to any transfer of his personal data outside the European Economic Area in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Law and GDPR.

6. The Client agrees that, the Company has the right to disclose the Client’s information including recordings and documents of a confidential nature, and where appropriate inform the recipient of the confidential nature of such information in the following circumstances: 

a) required by law or as requested by regulatory and enforcement authorities, courts and similar bodies which have jurisdiction over the Company;

b) to judicial proceeding(s) between the Company and the Client; 

c) to relevant authorities to investigate suspicion of, or prevent fraud, money laundering or other illegal activity;

d) to those members of the Company’s personnel who require information thereof for the performance of their duties under the Agreement or to any third party in connection with the provision of Services to the Client by the Company, such as execution venues and third party service providers; 

e) to credit reference agencies, fraud prevention agencies and third party authentication service providers and any other providers of public registers for credit checking, fraud prevention, anti-money laundering screening, identification or due diligence of the Client; 

f) for purposes ancillary to the provision of the Services or the administration of the Client’s Goliaths Account

g) to the Company’s consultants, advisors, lawyers, auditors; 

h) to an affiliate of the Company or any other company within Goliaths’ group;

i) in any case, at the Client’s request or with the Client’s consent; 

7. Goliaths shall retain records containing Client’s personal data, trading information, all relevant data relating to all orders and transactions in financial instruments, client account opening documents, communications and any other relevant information pertaining to the Client for at least five (5) years after termination of the Agreement.
1. Nothing in this Agreement constitutes a waiver of the Company’s intellectual property rights in any content included in or made available through the Services, including but not limited to all copyright, trademarks, patents, service marks, domain names, trade names, rights in designs, software code, icons, logos, characters, layouts, rights in know-how, trade secrets, buttons, colour scheme, graphics and other intellectual property rights. 

2. The Client is permitted to store, analyse and print the information made available to him through the Website. The Client is not permitted to publish, transmit, or otherwise reproduce that information, in whole or in part, in any format to any third party without the Company’s express written consent. The Client must not alter, obscure or remove any copyright, trademark or any other notices that are provided in connection with the information, if available. 

3. The Client hereby acknowledges that the use of the Services does not grant him any rights other than those granted to him under the Agreement. Nothing contained on the Website or any communications to the Client shall be construed as granting, by implication or otherwise, any licence or right to use any IP without the Company’s prior written consent.
1. The Company may assign, transfer, sell or novate to a third party any or all of its rights, benefits or obligations under the Agreement or the performance of the Agreement, provided that the Company notifies the Client with at least ten (10) Business Days prior notice.  The Client will be deemed to accept and agree to the assignment and novation if the Client continues to use the Services after the receipt of the notice.

2. The Client may not assign, transfer, or novate the Client’s rights or obligations basis under the Agreement to another person, whether by operation of law or otherwise, or whether on a permanent or temporary without prior written consent of the Company and any purported assignment, transfer or novation in violation of this term shall be void.
1. Unless stated otherwise, Goliaths may at any time amend, alter, modify, delete or add to any of the provisions of the Agreement, without any previous consultation with or obtaining consent from the Client, by written notice to the Client or by publishing on the Website. Goliaths may, but not under an obligation to, give a notice to the Client of any changes in the Agreement by e-mail or via the Online Platform. The Company may change any document which is part of the Agreement, except the ISA, without prior notice to the Client.

2. Unless Goliaths notifies the Client otherwise, any amendment shall take effect after 5 (Five) Business Days from the date of posting updated version of the Agreement, provided that no variation shall affect transactions executed or transmitted for execution prior or at the time of such variation. The Client acknowledges that a variation which is made to reflect a change of law or regulation may take effect immediately. 

3. The Client will be deemed to accept and agree to the changes if the Client continues to use the Services after the publication of any changes on the Website. If the Client disagrees with the amendments made by Goliaths, the Client may terminate the Agreement in accordance with the termination procedure set out in the ISA.


27. Community Guidelines
1. Upon the opening of a Goliaths Account, the Client will have access to the social features of the Online Platform that allow Clients to interact and share content with each other. Such features include, among others, the ability to:

a) create a profile page that can be personalised by adding a profile picture and a short biographical note, which can be visible to other Clients; 

b) post content that is visible to and can be commented/liked by other Clients;

c) search and find other Clients to connect with;

d) “follow” or “subscribe” to the content shared by other Clients;

e) view trades performed by other Clients; 

f) send invitations to persons in the Client’s mobile contacts lists to join the Online Platform.

2. Whenever the Client interacts in any way with any other Client via the Online Platform (such as by posting content) or uses the Online Platform’s social features in general, they need to abide by the “Community Guidelines” which form part of the Agreement between the Client and Goliaths and are available on the Website.

3. Goliaths has the right to review and monitor the Client’s activity and posts. If the Client is in breach of the rules stated herein and/or the Community Guidelines, the Company will record such breach and has the right to:

a) remove/delete a Client’s post;

b) temporarily suspend the Client’s access to the Online Platform’s social features (In such case the Client will receive a notification from the Company to this end);

c) inform the relevant authorities about the breach and aid them in investigating such breach, if required under the applicable laws and regulations.

4. In addition to the Community Guidelines, the Client:

a) must not provide or attempt to provide investment advice or any other type of services which requires regulatory authorisation;

b) must not share any personal information of themselves or others;

c) must not try to obtain the personal information of others by any means;

5. The Client hereby acknowledges that Goliaths may not review all of the content shared by other Clients on the Online Platform and the Company cannot be held responsible for such content’s use or effects. Content shared on the Online Platform by Clients does not in any way constitute advice or recommendations or endorsements by or on behalf of Goliaths. The Client is responsible to take all necessary measures and precautions to protect themselves and their devices from viruses and any other potentially harmful content. 

6. When the Client shares, posts or uploads content via the social features of the Online Platform, they grant Goliaths a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to host, use, copy, duplicate, modify, store, present, display, distribute, translate and/or publish all or any part of your content, and Goliaths shall be free to use such content, in any and all media or distribution methods available, on an unrestricted basis and without any attribution or royalties or other compensation to you, including without limitation, the Website, advertisements, in printed media, and in newspapers. This license expires when the Client deletes the content of their Goliaths Account. Content shared, posted or uploaded can be deleted on an individual basis, or all at once when the Client terminates and thereby deletes their Goliaths Account.
28. Promotional offers and rewards
“Incentives”). Information relating to the terms of such Incentives and the time period for which these are offered can be found on the Website. 

2. Any Incentives provided to the Client can be changed or removed by Goliaths without notice. 

3. Goliaths may, at its sole prerogative and absolute discretion, change the terms of such Incentives without notice. 

4. Any rights and obligations of the Client arising from Incentives are personal and non-transferable and shall apply solely to the Goliaths Account for which the Incentive was made available.

5. If Goliaths suspects that a Client participating in an Incentive (whether alone or with others) has/has attempted to manipulate or abuse such Incentive and/or otherwise acted in bad faith towards the Company or in a fraudulent manner, then Goliaths reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to take the following actions against the Client and/or parties suspected to have acted in concert with the Client:

a) deny to grant any benefit stemming from the Incentive;

b) remove and/or deduct from their Goliaths Account any benefit which might have been granted (taking into account any loss sustained which will be fully recognized);

c) remove and/or deduct any profits gained by them as a result of such manipulation or abuse, including the closure of any open positions in the applicable Goliaths account(s); and/or

d) deny, withhold or withdraw the Client from access to the Incentive and any future Incentive.

6) The promotions described on this page are subject to the Terms and Conditions. Capitalized terms used in this section have the same meaning ascribed to them in the Terms and Conditions.

6.1. Referral Bonus System

Customers can invite their friends to join Goliaths' Online Platform by sending a promotional link to their cell phone number to download Goliaths' mobile application on the App Store / Play Store.

For each new friend who meets all the following conditions:
Downloads the Goliaths mobile application by following the Customer's promotional link;
Successfully becomes a Goliaths customer; and
Makes his or her first structured product Investment;

the Customer receives a bonus of 1% of the amount invested by his or her friend for 6 months on his or her Goliaths account. This amount is payable to the customer within 10 days from the date of execution of the Order mentioned in point (c) above.
‍This system may be modified, altered and/or terminated at any time, at the Company's sole discretion.

6.2 "Copy-Playlist" bonus

Customers can publish on the online platform Playlists that they have created and invested in. When another user/customer of the Online Platform who "copies" the Customer's Playlist, i.e. clicks on the shared Playlist and invests in it, the Customer who created the Playlist will receive a bonus of €5 on his Goliaths Account.
This amount is payable to the Customer within 10 days from the date of completion of each Order made in relation to each Playlist as described above.the Customer may receive this bonus for all his shared Playlists that are copied and meet the above conditions.

This bonus is limited to one "copy" per user per playlist, with a maximum limit of 5 playlists. If a user (1) copies all 5 playlists of the customer, the customer will receive a total bonus of 5 € for each playlist copied by that particular user. From the 6th playlist copied by the user, the customer will no longer receive a bonus.

Customers must comply with the General Terms and Conditions and the Community Guidelines when posting/sharing a Playlist on the Online Platform. Playlists posted/shared on the Online Platform by Customers do not constitute advice, recommendations, endorsements or solicitations by or on behalf of Goliaths to engage in any transaction related to financial instruments or otherwise.

This bonus "copy-playlist" system is valid from 01/06/2023 and may be modified, altered and/or terminated at any time, at the sole discretion of the Company.1. Goliaths may, from time to time, provide the Client with conditional or unconditional promotional offers and rewards (
29. Market News and Information 
1. Goliaths may provide the Client with access to news, research and market information relating to financial instruments which are prepared and/or provided by third parties (“Market News and Information”). Such information is the property of such third parties and/or their licensors who are solely responsible for its content and is protected by law. The Client agrees not to reproduce, distribute, sell or commercially exploit such information in any manner without written consent of such parties. Access to such information does not constitute part of the Services, and Goliaths reserves the right to terminate Client's access to such information.

2. Market News and Information accessed through the Online Platform do not constitute investment advice, recommendation or solicitation by or no behalf of Goliaths to engage in any transaction related to financial instruments or otherwise. The Company does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the Market News and Information and in no event is the Company liable for any loss incurred by the Client in relation to them. 
30. “Academy”
1. Goliaths may, from time to time, upload informative articles under the section “Academy” of the Online Platform (the “Academy Articles”). These Academy Articles are summaries and/or curations of general information that is publicly available and are generally accessible to every Client. They are neither addressed to nor take into account the financial circumstances or Financial Instruments of any particular Client. Academy Articles do not constitute investment advice, recommendation or solicitation by or on behalf of Goliaths to engage in any transaction related to financial instruments or otherwise. The Company does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the Academy Articles and in no event is the Company liable for any loss incurred by the Client in relation to them.  Access to such information does not constitute part of the Services, and Goliaths reserves the right to terminate the provision such information
Invest in the stock market from €2
Investing involves the risk of partial or total loss of capital
As with any investment, there is a risk of capital loss. Investments can go up and down, and it is possible to get back less than the initial amount invested.

Goliaths is the trading name of CDJ Social Stocks Ltd. CDJ Social Stocks Ltd is a private limited liability company incorporated in the Republic of Cyprus with registration number ΗΕ 427157.

CDJ Social Stocks (under the Goliaths trade name) is licensed and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) with license number 428/23.

CDJ Social Stocks Ltd(Goliaths) has received approval from CySEC to offer cross border services in accordance to the regulations, provision of services in EU(EEA) Member States.

The information on this site is not intended for residents of the United States and should not be distributed to, or used by, any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.
2023 Goliaths. All rights reserved
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