
Stripe Payments Europe Ltd, a subsidiary of Stripe, Inc.,  headquartered in San Francisco, California. Stripe Payments Europe Ltd , incorporated and registered under the laws of Ireland and is registered with the Irish Companies Registration Office under registration number 3206488LH, 1 Grand Canal Str. Lower, Grand Canal Dock, Dublin, D02 H210. Additionally Stripe Payments Europe Ltd is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland, European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Banking Authority (EBA).

TrueLayer UK, operating in the United Kingdom,  regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) since 2017 and registered in the Financial Services Register with Reg. Number : 10278251, 1 Hardwick Street, 3rd Floor, LONDON, EC1R 4RBE C 1 R 4 R B, UNITED KINGDOM

iBanFirst S.A. is authorised and regulated by the National Bank of Belgium (under CBE number 0849.872.824) as a payment institution. It is a direct member of the SWIFT network and is certified to make payments throughout the SEPA zone. As a payment institution, iBanFirst S.A. only offers hedging solutions (forward, flexible forward and dynamic specializesnnected to underlying payment transactions. iBanFirst is a financial services platform that specializes in cross-border payments and foreign exchange (FX) services for businesses
Comme dans tout investissement, il existe un risque de perte en capital. Les investissements peuvent connaître des variations à la hausse et à la baisse, et il est possible de récupérer moins que le montant initial investi.

Goliaths est le nom commercial de CDJ Social Stocks Ltd. CDJ Social Stocks Ltd est une société privée à responsabilité limitée constituée en République de Chypre sous le numéro d'immatriculation ΗΕ 427157.

CDJ Social Stocks (sous le nom commercial de Goliaths) est agréée et réglementée par la Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) avec le numéro de licence 428/23.

CDJ Social Stocks Ltd (Goliaths) a reçu l'approbation de la CySEC pour offrir des services transfrontaliers conformément à la réglementation, la prestation de services dans les États membres de l'UE (EEE).

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